The way you manage your revenue cycle impacts your medical practice and could prevent you from getting paid for your work. Adjust your strategy and...
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Health Prime
Improve your back office processes with these best techniques
Review best practices for the back office that can help you optimize reimbursement and improve some of your processes such as collections, contract...
Continue ReadingHow are payers evolving and providers' responsibilities changing?
The complexities of insurance make it difficult for practices to get paid quickly. To minimize issues in cash flow, you can use benchmarking to get...
Continue ReadingImprove your front desk processes with these best practices
Review some techniques you can implement at your front desk to improve your payment collections, schedule effectively and guarantee patient...
Continue ReadingWhat are some best techniques to improve your medical practice?
Improve the way you run your medical practice. From your hiring processes to market your practice. Know what you need to do to optimize your...
Continue ReadingA Three-Point Checklist for choosing your Technology Solutions Partner
Get an insight on some aspects you need to consider to find the right Technology Solutions Partner to improve your medical practice, relieve...
Continue ReadingGet paid for telehealth & non-face-to-face visits during COVID-19
Get to know about telehealth, the waiver 1135, Medicare guidelines, coding and documentation, private and other payers, controlled substance...
Continue ReadingGet your medical practice ready for 2021!
Get an overview of which are the most common End of Year (EOY) reports that you need to improve your best practices analysis, learn how to have your...
Continue ReadingWhat's changing for E/M codes this 2021?
Get a better understanding of the upcoming E/M coding changes, so you can be ready, prevent delays in your payments and run your medical practice...
Continue ReadingHealth Prime Welcomes Kareo’s Managed Billing Clients!
We are excited to announce that HealthPrime and Kareo’s Managed Billing (KMB) businesses will be operating as one combined company!
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