Approximately 90% of denials within any healthcare organization are preventable. However, medical practices struggle with keeping their denial rate low which turns out having a negative impact on their revenue collection. That is why it is important that you implement a few strategies to reduce denials and make sure you are getting paid for your work.
Before you try to control your denials, you need to identify what's your denial rate. It represents the percentage of claims denied by payers during a given period. This metric quantifies the effectiveness of your Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) processes. If you have a low denial rate, it indicates that your cash flow is healthy and fewer staff is needed to maintain that cash flow.
To calculate your practice's denial rate, you need to add the total dollar amount of claims denied by payers within a given period and divide by the total dollar amount of claims submitted within the given period.
According to MGMA (Medical Group Management Association), a 5% to 10% denial rate is the industry average but keeping the denial rate below 5% is more desirable for your practice. Health Prime's benchmark for controllable denial percent is below 2%. Controllable denials are the denials that can be controlled by improving front end or billing processes.
1. Understand what the true denial reasons are
Deep dive into your denial reports and identify what are the main reasons your claims are being denied. Based on that, you will be able to know where your practice is specifically having issues and then focus on correcting those.
According to an MGMA Stat poll where the association asked healthcare leaders what is the root cause of claims denials/pends in their organization, 36% answered "missing information", 31% reported "prior authorization", 15% said "eligibility", 5% said "out of network" and the other 13% responded "other.
2. Run a report of your top 10-20 denials reasons
Look closely at your reports and you may see some trends. For example, there could be more than one that is related to inaccurate or missing insurance information. There may be several related to authorization or eligibility. Put these into general buckets, and you will likely be left with just a few core causes.
According to an article published on the MGMA, most practices find that 80% of their denials are a result of 20% of the problems.
3. Pick one of your core causes
Select one of the main causes that you found is increasing your denial rate. Maybe you will choose to focus first on missing information. Once you have that selected, you can make a plan to reduce those denials.
Work through your core issues one at a time and set a realistic goal for improvement. If your current denial rate is 12%, you might start cutting that to eight percent over the next six months.
Make sure that you set a SMART goal. SMART is an acronym that you can use to guide your goal setting. Using this technique will help you create clear, attainable and meaningful goals, and develop the motivation, action plan, and support needed to achieve them.
The important thing with denials is to understand what is causing them and then one by one fix the problems. Don't try to tackle every problem at once. It's tempting but it might be too much to manage and will be less effective that working on each core reason at a time.
Ultimately what you want is a long-term reduction in denials and improvement of your aged A/R. Achieving that best practice metric of 2% denial rate or less is truly a case of slow and steady improvement that will win that race.
At Health Prime we understand the importance of reducing your denial rate and keeping it under control so you can optimize your practice, increase revenue, and ensure that you get paid for your work.
If you want more information about how to reduce your denial rate, feel free to email us any question you may have at Set up a meeting with us to discuss how Health Prime can help you get your practice back in its prime.
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