TSI Citrix & NextGen® User Access Requests

This guide provides details for requesting TSI Citrix and NextGen® user access for the internal HPI teams that service our TSI clients via the HPI RCM Service Desk.

TSI Citrix & NextGen user access request types are defined in the table below:

All user TSI Citrix & NextGen user access requests are managed by the Access Management team via the HPI RCM Service Deskticket process. 

HPI points of contact for escalations as needed:

  • Primary: Aparna Verma
  • Secondary: Mercedes Crider 

There are TWO role-based user access groups that are granted to the internal HPI teammembers and are defined below. 

NEW - TSI Citrix & NextGen Access 

User Access Multiple Apps

1. Login to the HPI RCM Service Desk with your username and password

2. Select the HPI - RCM Service Desk box from this screen after you login 

3. At the top right menu bar, please select the icon for New Request

4. Scroll down to the User Access section and select User Access Multiple Apps

5. Populate the New Request drop down fields to match the screen shot below: 

6. Copy and paste the following template into the Description box and fill in your specific information:

TSI Citrix

  • First Name:
  • Last Name:
  • Static IP Address (if connection not US based):
  • Title:
  • Needs Access to Excel Reporting (Y/N):
  • Email Address: 

TSI NextGen 

  • HPI Team Function:
  • List the TSI Sites Needed: 

7. Click the Add Request button 

Typical turnaround time for TSI Citrix & NextGen requests is 48 hours. The Access Management team will reach out to you directly via email/phone to provide login credentials and other instructions as needed.

Once you have verified your successful login to both TSI Citrix & NextGen, the Access Management team will close the HPI RCM Service Desk ticket. 

EXISITNG – TSI Citrix Password Reset 

TSI Citrix Access 

1. Login to the HPI RCM Service Desk with your username and password

2. Select the HPI - RCM Service Desk box from this screen after you login

3. At the top right menu bar, please select the icon for New Request

4. Scroll down to the User Access section and select TSI Citrix Access

5. Populate the New Request drop down fields to match the screen shot below: 

6. Copy and paste the following template into the Description box and fill in your specific information:

  • First Name:
  • Last Name:
  • TSI Citrix Username:
  • Email Address: 

7. Click the Add Request button 

Typical turnaround time for TSI Citrix requests is 48 hours. The Access Management team will reach out to you directly via email/phone to provide login credentials and other instructions as needed.

Once you have verified your successful login to TSI Citrix platform, the Access Management team will close the HPI RCM Service Desk ticket. 

EXISITNG - TSI NextGen Access 

TSI NextGen Access 

1. Login to the HPI RCM Service Desk with your username and password

2. Select the HPI - RCM Service Desk box from this screen after you login

3. At the top right menu bar, please select the icon for New Request

4. Scroll down to the User Access section and select TSI NextGen Access

5. Populate the New Request drop down fields to match the screen shot below: 

6.Copy and paste ONE of the following templates into the Description box that aligns with the type of Existing TSI NextGen Access scenarios and fill in your specific information:

TSI NextGen Access – Password Reset

  • First Name:
  • Last Name:
  • Email Address:
  • HPI Team Function:
  • List the TSI Sites Needed: 

TSI NextGen Access – Add User

  • First Name:
  • Last Name:
  • Email Address:
  • HPI Team Function:
  • List the TSI Sites Needed: 

TSI NextGen Access – Remove User

  • First Name:
  • Last Name:
  • Email Address:
  • HPI Team Function:
  • List the TSI Sites Needed: 

7. Click the Add Request button 

Typical turnaround time for TSI NextGen Access requests is 48 hours. The Access Management team will reach out to you directly via email/phone to provide login credentials and other instructions as needed.

Once you have verified your successful login to TSI NextGen, the Access Management team will close the HPI RCM Service Desk ticket. 

Termination - TSI Citrix & NextGen Access 

User Access Multiple Apps 

1. Login to the HPI RCM Service Desk with your username and password

2. Select the HPI - RCM Service Desk box from this screen after you login

3. At the top right menu bar, please select the icon for New Request

4. Scroll down to the User Access section and select User Access Multiple Apps

5. Populate the New Request drop down fields to match the screen shot below: 

6. Copy and paste the following template into the Description box and fill in your specific information:

TSI Citrix

  • First Name:
  • Last Name:
  • TSI Citrix Username

TSI NextGen

  • HPI Team Function:
  • List the TSI Sites Needed: 

7. Click the Add Request button

Typical turnaround time for TSI Citrix & NextGen Access requests is 48 hours. The Access Management team will reach out to you directly to inform you when the terminated user has been removed from TSI Citrix & NextGen and the ticket will be closed.