SOP & Job Aid Templates

Please note: see the archived Confluence page for HPI branded templates

Some things to consider:

There are the steps to building a successful job aid and / or SOP, be sure to work through these in building any tool for your staff.

  1. Clarify Desired Output

  2. Align with managers

  3. Choose Format

  4. Draft

  5. Test

  6. Revise

  7. Manage

Job Aid Templates

Prior to creating a Job Aid using one of the below templates, you will need to decide how you want your task/ situation worked by an employee. Once this is done, select the job aid to best accomplish HOW the task needs to be done.

Below is a chart to help with deciding on which Job Aid to use. Some situations may call for a mixture of aids.

Task or Situation

Job Aid

  • Where the task is a series of steps that must be in sequence

  • where no decision making of the task is required by employee

  • represents information and directions in sequence


  • Illustrated steps for how to handle an escalation in Hubspot. Instructional videos

  • Where task completion is dependent on the answer given at each decision point

  • Where several yes or no decisions are required in the job task and are not in a specific order

Flowchart Type

  • A guide for the employee in completion of tasks, and decision making based on a set of conditions stipulated.

  • Use to create your workflow. This can be copied and pasted in any SOP or Job aid.


  • Troubleshooting guide for high AR over 120 days, process map

  • Where task does not consist of steps to follow in a specific sequence

  • Where task involves checking, observing, or planning; consistency is a critical factor of the work.

  • Represents a group of items to be checked for in the task


  • List of items to be checked before completing a CBR and training offshore staff