Non-Compliance Letter

Body of Non-Compliance Letter - these letters should be sent out on Health Prime letterhead

Month XX, 2020




Practice Name


Street Address

City, ST 00000-0000


Dear Dr. XXXX,


At Health Prime, our goal is to provide you with the highest quality service, resulting in maximum collections. We appreciate that you have trusted us with your business, but we cannot perform to our best ability if we do not get what we need from you. There has been a pattern of non-compliance with our agreement from your practice, which is affecting our ability to effectively manage your billing.  Below are items which require your immediate attention.


  1. We will customize these bullets. List problem and desired solution/outcome
  2. We will customize these bullets. List problem and desired solution/outcome


Please contact us at your earliest convenience to discuss these items and how we can resolve them. We want to do all we can to help your practice thrive, but if you do not respond, we cannot do that. If we have not heard from you within 15 days, we will assume you do not want to continue your relationship with Health Prime. At that time, we will begin the process of closing your account.





VP of Client Success


Cc:         Name, HP Manager (949) 000-0000

Cc:         Name, HP Operations Consulatant (949) 000-0000