Job Aid - Work Done

The purpose of this SOP is to provide the steps on how report the daily productivity using the Productivity Tool.


The Productivity Tracking Tool is a HPI internal application to register and report the productivity of different roles at PMB Costa Rica office. The reports are view in Fore Front under the Analytics tab. This application is develop and supported by Devang Shah.

How to access the Productivity Tracker

  1. Go to Parallels Client > PMB-Invoicing

  2. Click on Work done. There is no need to select a specific account from the drop-down menu

How to report your productivity

  1. On the top left corner on your dashboard click Add

  2.  Complete the Work Done screen accordingly
  • Work date: Current date.
  • Practice name: The name of practice your task/activity is related to.
  • Work type: See options below for your specific position.
  • Count: Select the option that best fits
  • Hour - minutes: How much time did you spend completing this task.
  • Remark: See options below.

3. Click Save

Note: If you need to edit a line you created, just must double click on it. When you made the necessary changes you just click save again.

If you started a task and you were not able to complete it, create a line for what you have done today and create a new one next time to continue with the task.

The work types are triggered by function and roles, each role has different tracking systems, check with your supervisor/manager for specific steps on how to complete this information according to your role.

If you have any problem with this tool or you have no access, please reach your supervisor before getting in contact with Support.