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Job Aid - Payer Follow Up

This Job Aid provides information on how to stay on top of your follow up work using Modio OneView application. Track and monitor things so you don't miss a deadline.

1 Overview

It is recommended that you review each of the below areas of Modio on or about the first day of your work week. This way you can schedule and organize your weekly follow ups to address the most needed first.


  • View tracking items that need attention is to click on “Tracking” and list your name in “Assignee”

  • Tracking report can be pulled by going to Tracking section and in upper right corner click the drop down arrow at “+Add Tracking” to run a report on any of the following depending on what you need to see: (NONE OF THESE REPORTS ARE PER PROVIDER- they are only notes or notes with practice name. )

    • Open Items

    • All Items (recommended to evaluate any payer end dates coming due as needed- or once monthly to set dates on tasks)

    • Payors with tracking notes. (Not Recommended for f/u tasking) This pulls payers per practice- no provider listed.

    • Affiliations and Payors with Tracking Notes

    • Notes


When creating tasks be sure to list the provider or group you are working on in “Related To”

It is recommended that a “Notify by email” is checked when assigning a task so user can be reminded via email notice of task due.

  • Go to Tasks section

    • note: task names should always have f/u date listed

    • search your name in “assigned to”

  • Click on task name to view details on due date, notes, created date, etc.

  • click on Edit to add a note, change status of the task.

NOTE: Tasks can be assigned to providers from this space as well.

If you need something from them, create a task and assign it. They will receive an email to log in and complete this.


From Team Section you will see “Alerts”

  • Click on Alerts to view all expirable documents for all practices/ providers and their expiration dates.

    • Items highlighted a red color are expired.

    • From this window you can send an alert via email to any provider/ practice listed by using the envelope in the upper right corner of the type of document expiration section.

  • Checking alerts for providers we are working maintenance for or are in active credentialing can help us to maintain CAQH and work expirables before they actually expire.

  • Click the drop down arrow to select a report

Web Reports:

From Team view and Alert drop down arrow (seen below)

  • click on the drop down arrow to view Web Reports, these are the first four reports listed in this view.

    • Re-credentialing- see all in re-credentialing status

    • Payer Re-credentialing to view all that are EXPIRED and need to be worked.

      • this uses the effective date and any past due or missing end dates to pull into this report to be worked immediately.

    • Completed Items (do not use)

    • State License Coverage (do not use)


  • From this sectoin you can also pull system reports. The ones you might use for follow up consist of the following:

    • Tasks (all teams)

    • Tracking (all teams)

    • Payors- this is the best report to see notes, end dates, etc.