Hubspot Tasking

This is intended to provide details on how to create, manage and report on tasking in Hubspot.

1 Create a Task

  • From the Sales tab in Hubspot, click “Tasks” OR from a ticket, deal or company record click on “Tasks” tab.

  • Click “Create Task”

  • Enter your Task (brief title)

  • Select Due Date and Time

  • Add Notes to your task

    • While adding notes you can also add attachments, bullet points, font changes, insert an image or a snippet.

  • Select task Type (To-do, email, Call, etc.)

  • Priority: blank

    • Note: Priority setting of “High” is only used to escalate the task.

  • Select Assigned To user (can be any active Hubspot user)

  • Set email reminder date and time.

  • Click “Save Task”

Create A task when logging email or call by checking the box at the bottom “Create Follow Up Task” and select due date.

2 Task Dashboard

On your tasks dashboard

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Sales > Tasks.

  • In the tasks dashboard:

    1. Table/Board: click to toggle between view types. The table view shows a list of your tasks, while the board view allows you to drag and drop tasks to different statuses.

    2. Status: click to view tasks based on their statuses, due dates, or types. 

    3. Filter by: click the dropdown menus to filter your tasks by assignee, type, and due date.

    4. Search: enter terms to search for a specific task.

3 Work & Complete Tasks

Anytime you are assigned a task or mentioned (using @ ) from a task, comment or note, you will receive a notification via Hubpsot and also an email.

Additionally when your task is due, if a reminder is set you will receive an email reminder that the task is due. Working Highest priority first is always recommended.

  • To edit a task, click the name of a task and in the right panel, update the relevant fields and click Save. You can also delete the task by clicking Delete in the right panel.

  • To use task statuses, click Board in the upper right. You can then drag tasks into different statuses: Not startedIn progressWaitingCompleted, and Deferred.

  • To mark a task as complete, click the checkmark icon to the right of the task

  • To update tasks in bulk, select the checkboxes next to the tasks and at the top of the table, click the action you want to do. You can bulk delete tasks, add them to task queues, or mark them as completed.

  • To view your completed tasks, in the left sidebar menu, navigate to More > Completed. You can view when a task is completed in the Completed at column.

While working your assigned task, any update should be noted in the following format:

  • Date, note, initials.

  • click save

Any update to a due date should be communicated to the ticket owner as to why additional time is needed.

3.1 Export Tasks

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Sales > Tasks.

  • Select the checkboxes next to the tasks to export.

  • In the header row, click download Export.

  • In the dialog box, click the File format dropdown menu and select a format for your exported file.

  • Next, select the properties you want to include in your exported file.

    • Include only properties in columns: include only the properties currently set as columns on the Tasks dashboard. To customize the columns, click the Actions dropdown menu in the upper right, then select Edit columns. Select the checkbox(es) next to the properties to include, then click Save

    • Include all properties: include all task properties in your export. 

  • Click Export. You'll receive an email with a download link to your export file.