Datalytics Access/Configuration

The purpose of this SOP is to outline the process on how to request access for practices to the Datalytics V3 tool. In order to gain Datalytics access, configuration must be completed and the practice must complete a one on one training

Before the customer is provided one-on-one training and/or is given access to Datalytics the CSC must review the configuration to ensure all financial classes have been identified and that the data is accurate.

How does the practice register for One on One training?

The one on one training is requested Please reach out to Jennifer Elola to schedule on behalf of your client, the required one on one datalytics training in order for them to gain access

You must include the following in your request

  • Practice Name

  • Contact Person - First and Last name

  • Contact Person Email

 It is required that the CSC attend this session.

Next Steps for Client Access:

  1. Data Verification

    1. Once the data is verified, we have confirmation the practice has either attended a Business Intelligence webinar or attended a one-on-one training the request for access can be sent to .

  2. User Details

    1. The following must be included in the request to analytic support

      1. Practice Name

      2. Company ID (COID)

      3. Contact Person : First and Last name for each user

      4. Contact/User Email

Analytic Support

If the CSC comes across a missing financial class or the data is not loading correctly they will login into forefront and click analytic support button for help.

  • Your Name first and last

  • Email

  • Phone

  • Subject

  • Request details

  • Supporting document

Your email must include the following:

  • Practice Name

  • COID

  • Description of the discrepancy along with a screen shot of the error or missing data


If you have any questions regarding this process please reach out to