Data Service Ticket- Kareo Software Support

This SOP provides a guide to contact the Kareo Premium Support Team for technical software issues. PMB Representatives MUST use the below template for all Kareo support submissions.

Hubspot Data Services Ticket (RECOMMENDED)

From the Company record click + Add ticket

  • Ticket name: "Data Service - Company Name"
  • Pipeline: Data Services
  • Ticket Type: Data Services
  • Ticket Description: detailed reason for submission to Kareo support
  • Source: select most applicable way the software issue was reported (email, phone, chat, etc.) if one does not apply leave blank.
  • Priority: select Low, Medium or High
  • Create date: should always be the date you create the ticket. 
  • Associate ticket with:
    • ensure company name is listed
    • select appropriate contact person for the account.
  • click CREATE

From this ticket you will send an email template to using the email template in Hubspot. The template is called "Kareo HPI Support Request"

Feel free to CC: so she can keep an eye on any big issues. 

You will be in charge of ensuring the customer gets a resolution from Kareo and all follow up with Kareo associated with this. 

Note: if you have a specific request use the below:

  1. Data export/ import:  submit an email to  with the following details:

    Kareo ID:  

    Account Name:  

    Practice Name & PID: 

    Origin Account Name & KID (Migrations only): 

    Origin Practice Name & PID (Migrations only): 

    Contact Name (full name please): 

    Contact Phone: 

    Contact Email: 

    Current Vendor: 

    Modules Importing Into (i.e. Clinical, Desktop Application, or both): 

    Data Sets Requested (please list all): 

    Preferred Go-Live Date (Note: SLA is 10 business days from date data is received): 

    Additional Information: 

  2. Enrollments: to add a payer ID to the PM system use appropriate email template in Hubspot and send to 

Ticket Actions needed

  1. After your email is sent per the above, you will receive an automated response via email. Document this case number within your ticket under "Data Services" section of your ticket.
    1. Add to "Kareo Case ID" *Important*
  2. Check off action for "Notification of Kareo data support sent"
  3. When you receive a response from Kareo check the bot for "Received Kareo Response"
    1. Also fill in the date under "Kareo data services support response date"
  4. Once resolved check "Resolution Received"
  5. Send an email to customer to let them know you have resolved the issue with Kareo and then check final box for "Resolution Follow up sent"


Dial Kareo at  888.775.2736 

Select Option 4 then option 1 to reach the Premium Support team. 

Premium support direct number is 855.811.2498


If you are attaching screenshots please ensure all PHI is blacked out. If attaching documents, please black out PHI or password protect the document. 


Non-Kareo Support Scenarios (to be handled by PMB/HPI)
User Locked/Password Reset 

Contact your Supervisor to unlock your access to PM or request any kareo user to unlock you per the process listed here HPI RCM Help Desk

For customers that are locked out, please have them reach out to the account administrator if someone in PMB cannot assist. If you need other access or workflow help please check /wiki/spaces/PMB/pages/56557569 page for more. 

Claim Rejections Contact the account manager assigned to your account for assistance . use the Account Support Ticket process to request help as needed. 
PC running slow or cannot access phone, fax, printer, etc. (does not include accessing applications such as Hubspot, Confluence or clearinghouse.) Contact IT at 
Submit a new enrollment request or enrollments follow up  Use the form found here: Enrollment Inquiries & Requests For questions regarding open enrollment, please review open enrollment tickets prior to sending an email to for help. 
Request to add a HPI solution (Add-On Service) Please submit a request via a Deal Desk Request
Change a feature functionality or new feature request

Submit your request to Kareo Improvements. Direct customer to Kareo support to submit requests of this nature. 

Credit Request follow the Credit Requests, Approvals & Denials for PMB to submit a ticket. 
  • Any action that is related to billing should be performed by the PMB/HPI team. This list is not extensive and should not be considered inclusive.

Before contacting the Kareo Support Team make sure you have all the necessary information including account information, practice contact information, and examples. The support team will need to replicate and troubleshoot the issue, contact them only if you have time to go through the troubleshooting process. Tier II will reject any escalation that wasn't previously reviewed and troubleshot by the Tier I team. 


If a case is created and it has been over 3 days with no response/resolution, or you require that a support supervisor contact the customer, please send the example to with the Case ID number and any additional details as to why you feel the case was not handled to your satisfaction.

Import/ Export of Data

Please use the template in Hubspot titled "Kareo Data Import/ Export Request"

Fill out the template completely and send from your Hubspot Data Service ticket (created per the above)

Be sure to CC: and