Invoice Credit Requests, Approvals & Denials SOP

This standard operating procedure walks you through how to open a Hubspot ticket to request a credit/ refund and how to process responses including approval and/or denial of your request.

Hubspot Credit Requests

  • Locate the company page in Hubspot
  • click +Add Ticket
  • Ticket Name= Credit- $00.00 (amount of credit requested)
  • Pipeline= Service Pipeline 1 (Credit/Refund, Patient Collections)
  • Ticket Status= leave as default (1-submitted)
  • Ticket Type= Credit / Refund
  • Ticket Description= be detailed in why the customer is requesting a credit and what its for. 
  • Ticket Owner= Your name
  • Priority= select the most fitting for your situation
  • Company= verify the correct company name is listed
  • Contact= should be the person from the company/ account you received the request from
  • click Create

Credit Ticket Actions:

From the ticket you are now going to work on reviewing the reason, documentation, etc, for the amount of the credit / refund requested.

Under the ticket section for At Risk & Credit/ Refund you will mark each action once completed. Automation are based on these actions. 

  1. Credit/ Refund review Scheduled- before marking complete, please schedule a meeting with customer, management, offshore or anyone else you may need help from to review and validate the credit being requested.
  2. Credit/ Refund Review Completed- once your review is completed mark this action. 
  3. Credit/ Refund Validated- once you have validated the amount of the credit you feel is warranted mark this checkbox ( This sends an email to the COO letting them know you are requesting approval for a credit/refund)

It is strongly recommended that you send a note via the ticket AND/ OR Create a task and assign to your BU leader for 1st level approval/ denial. 

BU Leader Approval / Denial Steps

Bu leader will review all notes per each requested credit/ refund in addition to any validation and attachments to determine if the credit is truly due to the customer. Once this is completed, BU Leader will mark “BU Leader Credit Approved/ Denied”= Yes or No. 

If Approved, this will then move the ticket to the next step of COO approval.

If denied, the ticket will move to the Approved/ Denied Next Actions (#3), where notification from CSC to the customer is required. 

COO Approval Steps

COO will go to ticket→ mark the following: (you many need to search for the property in "View all Properties")

  1. Credit/ Refund Approved (Yes or No) 
  2. Credit Amount Approved- COO will also list the amount of the credit approved
  3. Approved / Denied by: add your name as COO approving / denying said credit

Automated Ticket Actions...

Once the a credit is marked "YES" in approved by(and type of ticket is Credit/refund) Hubspot automations will send an email notification to accounting at HPI that a credit was approved and must be issued. Hubspot workflows will also create a task automatically for Akshay Shah in accounting to confirm the credit has been issued 5 days after approval (accounting can take up to 5 business days to issue a credit memo).

Accounting will mark the task completed once the credit is issued. 

Approved/ Denied Next Actions (Post COO Approval/ Denial)

To complete your credit/ refund ticket you must review to ensure all actions are completed, memo is attached and is accurate and notice was provided to the client. 

  1. Once accounting has issued the credit, the task will be marked completed in your ticket by Akshay Shah. If any question you can ping him to ask for clarification. You will then mark the box for "Credit/ Refund Issued"
  2. Accounting will attach a copy of the credit memo to the ticket. 
  3. APPROVED OR DENIED: The ticket Owner is then responsible for sending an email to the customer letting them know the details and issuance of credit and that the request is complete. BE SURE TO ATTACH A COPY OF THE CREDIT MEMO TO YOUR EMAIL NOTICE TO THE CLIENT. (use email template provided in HubSpot- one of the below)
  4. Once the denied or approved email is sent to the contact, then mark Action box for "Credit/ Refund Completed" as YES

Your ticket will change stages by itself as you mark each task completed. No need to alter the ticket status. 

Ticket is now completed and will move to the closed status. 


Remember, if you are reviewing any AR for mishandling of any kind, you MUST only calculate the percentage that would have been paid (the allowed amount) not the entire charge value.