COVID-19 Billing Information

This page contains information to help with COVID-19 billing for you and our customers.

Medicare has decided to allow all providers to cross Jurisdiction/ State lines to provide care.

Please look at your states regulations to see if there is any flexibility to services provided to patients during this time. This information is available via the CMS.GOV website. 

Emergency Declaration Health Care Providers Fact Sheet provided by Medicare will help answer frequently asked questions during this time. 

On March 28, 2020 The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services issued a press release announcing the expansion of the accelerated payment program (APP) to assist medical providers who meet the criteria to receive accelerated and advanced Medicare payments to alleviate cash flow issues during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In order to qualify for accelerated and advance payments the provider or supplier must meet the following criteria

  • Have billed Medicare for claims within 180 days immediately prior to the date of signature on the provider's/ supplier's request form;

  • Not be in bankruptcy;

  • Not be under active medical review or program integrity investigation; and

  • Not have any outstanding delinquent Medicare overpayments.

The press release is available at

An informational fact sheet on the accelerated/advance payment process and how to submit a request can be found here:

This fact sheet provides information on turn around time for request, Criteria to qualify for accelerated and advanced payments, how to submit the request and when the providers can expect payment from their assigned MAC.

Your Quality team will continue to update information regarding billing for COVID19 services and any other impacted services as the information is made available to us. We are here to assist in any way that we can, so please feel free to reach out to us by submitting a Help Me Request for Assistance