Billing Support Tickets

Billing Support tickets are created automatically from customer emails, secure message Excel documents & manually if we are receiving a customer issue via telephone.

Automatic creation happens when a customer emails for help. These filter into a saved ticket filter called "PMB Support Unassigned/ Open Tickets". From here tickets are reassigned to whomever is assigned as the Operations Consultant.

The Ops Consultant will own the ticket through completion. FOR TELEMEDICINE Support please task Jennifer Elola or the CSC Onboarding telemedicine (if applicable) from the ticket for assistance.

Automated Tickets

It's important to know that tickets created from automation are done either by emails, or via Formstack submission of a billing issue (or secure message from Kareo software), may have default or limited information. Many times you may need to reach out to the customer to clarify.

Tickets created via Formstack will contain a link as seen below. Once you have logged into Formstack and activated your account you will be able to click the link and go straight to the form details.

From the ticket description please click the link to access Formstack details.

Manually create a ticket

To manually create the ticket, when you are in the Company record for the customer, click on +Add ticket in the far-right column under tickets.

From here a window will pop up for you to fill in the ticket details. The Key fields that need to be filled in are:

  • Ticket Name: Support – [Insert Company Name]

  • Pipeline: Service Pipeline 2 [Blitz/FTE, Billing Support, WC/Auto]

  • Ticket Status: 1-Submitted

  • Ticket Type: Billing Issue

  • Ticket Owner: Person who is creating the ticket

  • The ticket will automatically associate with the Company. You will need to choose contacts that need to be associated with the ticket.

If you do not want all activity for associated company and/ or aswsociated contact to be visible in your ticket please be sure to deselect the checkbox to NOT add this to the timeline.

  • Once all the above details are filled in, click the orange Create button to create the ticket.

Billing Support Ticket: Stage 1-Submitted

Upon creation of any customer billing support ticket the customer/ contact is notified that we are working on their request.

At the creation of the Billing Support Ticket, it will go to the Submitted Stage momentarily. At that time, a notification is sent to the contact that a new Billing Support Ticket has been created.

Once this notification is sent to the customer, the ticket will move to the next stage 4-In Progress.

Billing Support Ticket: Stage 4-In Progress

You will review the issue and clarify as needed with your client. Once this is done please send support follow up to your customer.

Support Follow Up Sent

  • Once the follow up to the Billing Support Ticket has been sent: can be communicated via phone or email.

  • Under the Billing Support section on the far-left side of the ticket screen check off the Billing Support Actions “4-Support Follow Up Sent”


If that box (Support Follow up sent) is not checked within 2 days of the Support Ticket being created, a reminder task will automatically be assigned to the Ticket Owner to follow up.

  • Once that box is checked, the Ticket will move to the 5-Audit Stage.

    Billing Support: Stage 5 -Audit

In the Audit stage the following actions will occur:

  1. Review resolution of issue at hand

  2. Email recap of resolution to client

  3. Internal/ Automated escalation to supervisor if not resolved within 3 days of creation.

Review Resolution & Ticket Escalation

  • Once a resolution has been made on the Ticket:

    • Under the Billing Support mark the Resolution property to Yes

  • If the Resolution property is not marked within 3 days of the Ticket being created, a task will be assigned to the Manager on the Company record notifying them to escalate the ticket.

Email Recap of Resolution

  • Once a resolution has been reached, you will need to send the resolution recap to the customer from the ticket email section. You can find the email for that within Email Templates- Billing support folder.

  • In the email window, click “Templates” in the top left corner. Search Templates for “Billing Support Recap of Resolution”. Select that template and it will populate in the email window.

Billing Support: Stage 6-Completed

  • Once the recap of resolution has been sent:

    • Under the Billing Support section on the far left side of the ticket screen check off the Billing Support Actions “5-Recap of Resolution Sent”

  • Mark Resolution YES

  • Once the above actions are taken, the Ticket will automatically be moved to the 6-Completed Stage.

If a Billing Support survey has not been sent in the last 30 days to that customer, they will automatically receive the survey.