Account Transitions GHR - One HP

This SOP provides the general requirements for transitioning accounts between GHR to One HP. The account transitions will occur as scheduled by the management team.


  1. The One HP management team will determine the accounts to transition between GHR and One HP as needed to meet the needs of One HP and ensure proper service delivery.

  2. The One HP RCM Delivery team will make all beginning communication to the teams that are offboarding, receiving, and to the Customer Success team.

  3. The Customer Success Team is responsible for completing the “Transitioning Account” form. This form will be saved in an Account Support ticket. All applicable transitional information must be communicated in this form including but not limited to current outstanding projects, issues, denials, billing tasks rules, CBR most relevant aspects, etc.

  4. The One HP RCM Delivery team will be responsible to update our internal CRM tool, Hubspot, to reflect the new RCM teams and managers.

  5. Full account transition process should be started at least 5 business days before the effective transition date.

Hubspot Ticket

From Company record (use parent company unless child company is the one affected)

·         click + Add Ticket.

·         Ticket Name: GHR Transition + Company name

·         Pipeline: Account Support Pipeline

·         Ticket Status- allow default “1-Submitted” do not edit

·         Ticket Type: Billing Issue

·         Ticket Description: provide detailed information such as transition date and information attached to the ticket

·         Source: Leave blank

·         Ticket owner: Creator is the owner throughout the life of the ticket.

·         Assignment: @jorge.lobo

·         Attach the Transition Account form

The RCM team will create a task to the functional managers assigned to accept the account to review the transition form. Once the task is completed an acknoledgement note will be added to the ticket. The team will change the ticket status to audit and alert the ticket owner to close the ticket.